Play Day 1I had 40euros in my wallet I was passing by the Grand Casino so i decided to go test my luck.
I left my coat to the receptionist and went straight downstairs to my favourite game,
roulette.I changed my 40€ to chips and started playing.
First I had to double my money to get some more chips. I put 40€ to the color of love "red"

I was a little bit nervous because if it would hit black I would be in trouble, but luckily it hit red so I was on 80€ now. After this I started to put chips on numbers. I played my lucky numbers 29, 7, 28 and it hits 29!
Next round I put up my bets and hope numbers 29, 7, 28. Gamekeeper rolls, the ball drops in 29 AGAIN! I won 42€ again, I had little bit luck with me.
I was in good win streak I decided to put some more bets and ofcourse bet my lucky numbers 29, 7, 28. Gamekeepers rolls the ball, ball drops to number 5, I loose my bets. Next round begins i put my bets up, but it hits 15 I loose my bets again.
I was little bit nervous now but I believed in myself I put my bets and said in my head: now its gonna be lucky number 7 so I put bets on 7. Gamekeeper rolls, it drops on 7! I won
Now I had
160€ in my stack. I decided to put my luck on test, so i put 40€ to the color of love again, if it would hit I would had 200€ and I had quitted then, but I was unlucky, ball hit black and my stack decreased to
Then I had a little break to cool my nerves. I thought I had win 80€ i should stop now, but my gambler heart won so I returned to the
roulette table. I went to bigger table with my 120€.
I put 40€ to black. Hit black! 160€ in my stack now. To black again. Hit red! 120€ again. I bet red. Hit red! then I bet red again. Hit red! Now I have the 200€ I wanted I was about the leave the table, but suddenly I got good feeling about next round...
I bet red and 3rd Dozen (25 through 36). Gamekeeper rolls ball, I put my fingers crossed close my eyes. My heart is pumping so fast, I thought in my head, if i win now I'm gonna leave immediately. Ball drops gamekeeprs says 25! I COULND'T BELIEVE IT! I was so relieved! I went to change my chips to money, 320€!
So I started with 40€ and left the casino with 320€ so it was a hell of a good day.
End of Day 1